

It shows: Numbers as I see them.
This is what you see: Numbers from 0 to 100 are imagined in this way. 20 is at the peak. As a result, when I was younger, I thought the best part of my life would be at 20 and after that everything was going to go downhill! 20 to 30 are a very bright pink. 0 to 10 and 30 to 50 are light pink. 50 to 100 becomes even lighter pink - almost peachy.

The background is black. The numbers are not white (kind of grey, just made them white so they can be seen against the black background). The numbers between each set of 10 i.e. 1,2,3... are equally spaced. Negative numbers just kind of blur off in a squiggle after 2. They are also more closely spaced than the positive numbers i.e. I see 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc.
What I could not show better and what's missing: The entire sequence is one smooth, flowing line - no sharp edges at 70, 80, 90 as the drawing shows (I am just not good at drawing in microsoft word!). The colours of the lines are also slightly blurred (not sharp as seen in the drawing) - couldn't draw that either! After 100, the numbers from 100 to 200 and from 200 to 300 etc. follow the same pattern as 0 to 100 except I only see up to 120 unconsciously. If I am thinking of 170, only then will I see the entire sequence from 0 to 200, i.e. I always see -2 to 120 and and see number outside that range as needed.